Mark Entrekin's Blog


Why the RIDdLe?

Oct 13, 2024

Hello everyone,

I hope this message finds you well and in good spirits. 

In this article, I want to share a story that encapsulates my passion for mutual support, skill sharing, creating solutions, fostering strong partnerships, team support and Unity.

A few years ago, I had a Colorado license plate that read “RIDL.” The inspiration for this came from the word “riddle,” which is defined as a question or statement that requires clever thinking to solve or explain. However, the letters on my plate had a deeper meaning: Republican, Independent, Democrat and Libertarian – RIDL.

Whenever people asked me what the letters stood for, I would respond with, “RIDL, Republican, Independent, Democrat, Libertarian. Why is it such a RIDdLe to build a better world for our children?” This often-sparked interesting conversations and I would explain further.

The real question I posed was, why is it such a challenge for any political affiliation to focus on building a better world for our children without name-calling, downgrading each other and spite?

Whether you are a Republican, Independent, Democrat or Libertarian, the goal must be the same yet less than 3% of the members of any political affiliation truly get to the heart of the matter of what their bylaws represent or can explain more than a few “rumors” about what the terms “conservative” or “liberal” or “libertarian” or “socialist” or “communist” can really mean.

This article highlights a crucial point: the importance of mutual understanding, support and Unity, regardless of our affiliations. We must stop supporting what we do not understand. Why are laws written by our elected officials in a legal-ease or legal-tease? We must force our legislature to write laws in a language we all understand.

This article is also a reminder that we can achieve so much more when we work together, share our skills and support each other in creating solutions. This philosophy extends beyond politics and into every aspect of our lives, including our family, friends, social, work and political efforts.

I am passionate about creating solutions, providing mutual support, Achieving Unity and I believe that by aligning our core principles, we can accomplish remarkable things together. 

Political affiliation is simply the collective belief of those who adhere to its written principles and bylaws. By focusing on our shared goals and values, we can create a more empathetic and productive environment. If we are not focused on clear, understandable, written beliefs we are only fooling ourselves.

An affiliation must not follow the purpose of a gang that is primarily focused on criminal activities, drug trafficking, extortion and violence with the goals of personal gain, territory and reputation.

An affiliation must continually grade itself by being Reality Focused on achieving specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound goals, such as influencing valuable, justified policy, electing an honest legislature and promoting specific, positive and proven ideologies.

If you share these principles, I would love to find strong partnership opportunities where we can work together.

Let us make life awesome, together, by Achieving Unity, with liberty and justice for all as we can Harness the Power Of Encouraging, Inspiring and Including Others today.


Join me every Thursday for a weekly podcast on “Achieving Unity through the Power of Encouraging, Inspiring and Including Others.” This 60-minute podcast is our chance to be part of a forward-thinking initiative that fosters Unity and compassion. Select here to Register.

It is beneficial and fun to attend as you can also invite your coworkers, family and friends to be part of this inspiring journey! Select this link to contact with Mark and request more information and get involved today. We can make a positive difference together!

With the New Year just around the corner, let us get excited now to kick it off with my upcoming Webinar and Course launch in January!

We can make this next year a Strive to Thrive in 2025 together. Mark your calendars for our Webinar on January 16, 2025 and stay tuned for more details about our international course starting on February 6, 2025. Do not miss out, invite your coworkers, family and friends around the world to join this exciting journey to achieve success locally and globally!

Are you, or someone you know, facing challenges with a significant other, spouse, friend or colleague? Do not wait, take action now! Select this link to explore my Virtual Coaching Options and find the support you need. If you have any questions, select this link to schedule a time for us to talk. We can work together to overcome these obstacles and thrive!

Transform your life and relationships with my expert coaching and collaboration! Whether you are a couple, individual, parent, corporate officer, police or fire officer, group, association, corporation or university, I inspire you to develop new habits and sustainable, caring, cost-saving improvements. We can resolve your issues together by creating and understanding viable solutions. Take the first step towards positive change - reach out today!

Do you, or an acquaintance, organize speaking events? Let us connect! I am honored to speak at your next event and provide an actionable plan to guide you on the path to achieving new heights. I also offer an affiliate program that rewards you for scheduling one or more of my speaking engagements. Do not miss this opportunity to reach out today and let us make your next event unforgettable!

I am excited to connect with you today, through coaching, keynotes, during our podcasts and at the Achieving Unity Webinar in January! 

Thank you for choosing the communication channel that suits you best and let us start this journey together. My goal is to support you personally and professionally, inspiring you and those around you to thrive in a more Encouraging, Inspiring and Inclusive environment. Let us grow forward and prosper together - reach out now! Strive to Thrive as we Arrive in 2025! It is only a brief time away. 

Email: [email protected]


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