Mark Entrekin's Blog


Shared sense of purpose

Sep 02, 2024

As we get closer to the free webinar on Achieving Unity through the Power of Caring, Helping and Including Others, on September 19th, I want to share a couple of the topics we will discuss in the webinar and cover more deeply in the course that begins on October 8th.

Another item we will discuss includes how a shared sense of purpose can significantly enhance cooperation and align efforts within a community, family, team or organization. Unity is the combination of efforts, no matter how small or large the number of people may be that are coming together in Unity!

We must remember that the word Power is the center of empowerment. Power does not mean overbearing but is the basis for collaboration of common goals, the empowerment of uplifting others, the influence to inspire and motivate others to take action and support one another for a stronger, more united community toward the good for everyone involved.

From a student body to a large corporate body, cleaning up may not sound like much fun. But, if we explain how each person, couple, group or team could have a specific area to take care of and there would be prizes for the best results, suddenly, the idea of working together for an understood and common goal can become exciting.

The Power of Shared Purpose

Alignment of Goals: When team members share a unified purpose, their personal goals become synchronized with the group’s overall objectives, no matter how small or large the group may be. This synchronization ensures that everyone is striving towards the same outcome, which minimizes conflicts and enhances efficiency.

Enhanced Collaboration: When team members share a unified purpose, they are more inclined to work together and support one another. This creates a collaborative environment where diverse perspectives and ideas can flourish.

Improved Problem-Solving: A shared sense of purpose motivates team members to combine their resources and expertise to tackle challenges. This collaborative effort can result in innovative solutions and enhanced problem-solving abilities. This works in couples, families, communities and in the largest, most powerful corporations.

Increased Motivation: A shared purpose can make people more motivated. When they see their work as part of a bigger, shared mission, they are more likely to put in their energy, creativity, and passion.

Stronger Commitment: When people see their work as part of a meaningful goal, they feel more valued and committed to a couple, team or organization. This increased loyalty means they are more likely to stay longer, reducing breakups or turnover. Overall, this leads to a more dedicated and productive work family or workforce.

Practical Steps to Foster a Shared Purpose

Communicate the Vision: It is important to clearly explain the vision and mission(s) so everyone knows the big picture. Make sure each team member understands how their role fits into this larger goal. This helps everyone, no matter how small or large a team, to be able to see the value of their accomplishments and stay aligned with the overall objectives.

Encourage Open Communication: Create an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas and feedback. When people can openly communicate, it helps align everyone’s efforts and keeps the team on the same page. This openness ensures that everyone understands each other’s perspectives and can work together more effectively. Encouraging this kind of communication builds trust and improves overall teamwork.

Lead by Example: Leaders need to live out the shared purpose through their actions and decisions. When leaders show their commitment to the vision, it naturally inspires the same level of dedication in their team. This kind of leadership sets a strong example and motivates everyone to work towards the common goal with the same enthusiasm and commitment.

Recognize Contributions: It is important to acknowledge and celebrate both individual, couple and team achievements. When you recognize people’s efforts, it shows them that their contributions matter. This recognition reinforces the value of each person’s work and strengthens their connection to the shared purpose. Celebrating successes together also boosts morale and encourages continued effort.

Set Collaborative Goals: Involve all team members in setting goals to create a sense of ownership and responsibility. When people help set the goals, they feel more invested in achieving them. This makes everyone more committed to reaching objectives together.

By focusing on each of these strategies, communities, families, individuals and organizations can create a keen sense of shared purpose that aligns efforts and enhances cooperation, ultimately leading to greater success.

If you, or someone you know, is encountering issues with a significant other, spouse, friend or the work environment because a shared purpose is not the goal, please call me at 303-362-8733 (303-Focused) or schedule time with me at

I coach, collaborate and speak to and with couples, individuals, parents, divorced parents, groups, associations, corporations and universities to develop new habits and sustainable, caring, cost-saving, improvements as we resolve issues by creating and understanding viable solutions. 

Do you, or someone you know, schedule speaking events? Please let me know. I would be honored to speak at your next event and I also have an affiliate program that will compensate you for scheduling one of my events!

I hope you will attend, and invite your friends to attend, my next live, free webinar on “Achieving Unity through the Power of Caring, Helping and Including Others.” The next webinar is on September 19, 2024. Please go to to request more information.

I am looking forward to talking with you today and at the Achieving Unity Webinar. Please use the communication channel that works best for you today. I want to help you, personally and professionally, as you, and those around you, continue to grow forward to prosper today in a more caring, helping and inclusive environment! 

Email: [email protected]


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