Mark Entrekin's Blog


From Criticism to Ideacism

Jul 27, 2024

Why do we criticize? 

Too many times, doesn’t it seem that the thoughts or words we say or use can be met with some form of criticism by another? 

We can be talking to others about our children or family or friends or an event we attended and some people will quickly criticize what we say or criticize the event. They quickly say we should have done something better or different based on their opinion. 

Criticism, according to Wikipedia, means an attack on a person or idea. It can also be an attack on an action. If we say went somewhere or did something that someone else may not approve of, they can quickly criticize our action without any basis of fact or reality...only their opinion. 

Constructive criticism can be helpful, when requested, as it can be used to evaluate and improve. This is when somebody points out aspects of something else that could be improved or made better. But, unless someone is asking for help, why do many people have to find something wrong with what others do or say? When is constructive criticism valued if it is not requested? Especially if it is not truly constructive or positive? 

The last few letters of criticism, CISM, according to Wikipedia, means Critical Incident Stress Management. What if we exchanged the meaning of those last four letters from Critical to Complementary and Management to Mastery? The term “CISM” can now mean Complimentary Incident Solution Mastery! 

We can improve the meaning of our comments from negative to positive…from stress to solution and from management to mastery. We could then receive more value from what is said and encounter less frustration. 

Instead of wanting to share criticism, why don’t we share ideacism? Ideas are the results of thought. When we think positively, and not childishly, immaturely or insecurely, ideas can be created that will improve every situation. 

An idea arises in a reflexive, spontaneous manner, even without thinking or serious thought. For example, when we talk positively about a person or a place, a new or original idea can often lead to improvements or innovation going forward. 

Sometimes people are critical because they are projecting their own insecurities to the other person or the events. For example, if a someone feels insecure about themselves, they may criticize or make negative comments about you or what you do. Their own jealousies may arise in their reflective comments. 

For example, maybe you hear a friend at the office say they went home and there were dirty dishes on their counter for the third day in a row. So, they say to their significant other, “You never do the dishes! You are always so lazy.”  

Are they truly trying to communicate positive ideas or are they communicating how frustrated they are that someone else is not matching their expectations? Could they possibly be communicating how they feel they have been treated by someone else or by others? Could they be using the other person as a scapegoat for their own feelings? 

Which social media do you use? Do you feel the social media you use is best? Do you feel the one that you use has the members that express the most facts or could too much of what is published on social media just be someone’s unearned opinion? Are they expressing criticism or ideacism? 

What about those that that have a strong Political Party Affiliation? Can the political party members that are criticizing the “other” party show where their political ideas are clearly expressed in their own party’s bylaws? Or are they just expressing theirs or someone else’s unearned opinion? 

What do your political party bylaws state are your true beliefs? Are the bylaws written down and clear to you or are the current, publicized statements just the opinion of the loudest person? Does each political party’s bylaws follow their idea, or opinion, of what is better? If not, why do they criticize the other party without any facts or understanding of either affiliation? 

As mentioned at the start of the first paragraph, does it seem that too many of the comments shared in conversation are overloaded with criticism and not ideacism? 

We would all be clearer about the truth, instead of the opinions, if we opened what is called a Rapid Ideation. If, instead of criticizing what is said to hide our lack of knowledge, we would assign a time limit for each person to produce as many ideas as possible and write them down on whatever medium is available. We would then be able to arrive at much better results than our current criticism fiasco and have defined ideas we could all understand. 

In your next conversation with someone that replies with any form of criticism, can you ask them if they are finding criticism instead of ideacism? Of course, they may quickly find something wrong with the word ideacism but, if we share what ideacism can be, could we also be one step closer to a positive conversation? 

If we can move from the criticism that ends with Critical Incident Stress Management and grow with ideacism that ends with Complimentary Incident Solution Mastery, we could improve our friendships, our relationships, our social media and our political affiliation beliefs before the next primary election. 

We could also begin eliminating personal childishness, immaturity and insecurity at the same time! 

When we find the benefits through our thoughts using ideacism instead of our wrongs from criticism, we can also remove the hate, anger and prejudice that is fed through too much negative thinking. 

Let us work together with the positive ideas leading to ideacism instead of the negative critics found in criticism.


I hope you will attend, and invite your friends to attend our next live, 7-session, course on “Achieving Unity by Caring, Helping and Including others as we End Hate, Anger and Prejudice, personally and professionally.”  The course begins on October 8, 2024. Registration begins on September 3, 2024. Please contact me for more information. 

If you, or someone you know, is encountering criticism from a significant other, spouse or friends and want to learn more about turning criticism into ideacism and a better tomorrow, please call me at 303-362-8733 (303-Focused) or schedule time with me at 

I coach, collaborate and speak to and with individuals, parents, groups, corporations, universities and enterprises to develop new habits and sustainable improvements as we resolve issues by creating solutions.  

Do you, or someone you know, schedule speaking events? Please let me know. I would be honored to speak at your next event on Achieving Unity. I also have an affiliate program that will pay you, your favorite non-profit organization or someone you know, for scheduling an event. 

I am looking forward to talking with you today. Please use the communication channel that works best for you. We can help each other, and our freedoms, grow forward! 

Email: [email protected]



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