Mark Entrekin's Blog


Effective Decision Making

Jul 27, 2024

In my course on the 7-steps to Achieving Unity through the Power of Caring, Helping and Including Others, I emphasize how effective decision-making, in all facets of life, is essential for maintaining harmony and achieving common goals within families, teams, workplaces and communities. 

Whether we are choosing a family vacation, collaborating on a school project, budgeting a large corporate program worth millions of dollars or making community decisions, I think the following strategies can lead us to navigate the process successfully.

First, as I wrote in another article, Active Listening is important in everything we do from family decisions to multi-million-dollar business contracts. Listening to others’ perspectives is crucial. We must encourage open dialogue, ask questions and consider different viewpoints. When everyone is heard, better decisions will be realized.

Next, even for the simplest family event to the largest corporate endeavor, researching the facts and performing effective information gathering is also vital. We can make informed choices by fact finding, gathering information and understanding the consequences of each option.

The third strategy is the ability for all of us to focus on the right equilibrium between immediate needs based on the facts from step two and our written goals. When does our customer, or family, need the product or service and how much can we provide them at the earliest opportunity?

Once we focus on these top three strategies, we can easily break the decision-making process into effective steps, definitions and terms but we must first focus on Effective Decision Making. What are the facts (our reality) and how do we balance the cost, time and effort before we can justify the decisions for our next steps?

Decisions must not be focused on our personal preferences but must be inspired on the purpose of why we are making a decision. We remember that our ROI (Return On Investment) must give our customers the highest value based on another ROI, Results Oriented Individuals.

To start, we could think of an event as simple as a bake sale. I know it is not a 7-figure corporate program but it is a good example of how to make better decisions. We must break all decisions down to the smallest product or service to accomplish the top three strategies listed above.

Let us think about three imaginary students preparing for the bake sale. Jane thinks making cupcakes for the sale is best because they are fun to put icing on, they are versatile and believes everyone loves them. Joe thinks cookies are the best because they are a classic snack, they are convenient, easy to select and make sharing much easier. Julie thinks fudge is best as they are rich, fudgy, chocolate and irresistible!

After a few sessions of active listening, they reviewed the fact that their personal desires may not satisfy the customers’ needs or wishes. During the discussion, they determined that one product would not satisfy the number of customers they needed to achieve their financial goal. From their active listening and gathering the facts, they were able to make an effective decision that validates the equilibrium between immediate needs and the goal of earning the most money for the bake sale.

By going through all three steps, they were able to unlock the true value of a diverse selection  and exceed their goal.

Effective decision-making, at all levels, requires patience, empathy and a commitment to working together. By implementing these few strategies as a foundation, our families, teams, corporations and communities can thrive and achieve their shared goals with minimum conflict.

If you, or someone you know, is encountering issues with a significant other, spouse, friends or at the office because decision making is a stressful challenge, please call me at 303-362-8733 (303-Focused) or schedule time with me at

I coach, collaborate and speak to and with couples, individuals, parents, divorced parents, groups, associations, corporations and universities to develop new habits and sustainable, cost-saving, improvements as we resolve issues by creating and understanding viable solutions. 

Do you, or someone you know, schedule speaking events? Please let me know. I would be honored to speak at your next event and I also have an affiliate program.

I hope you will attend, and invite your friends to attend, my next live, 7-session, course on “Achieving Unity through the Power of Caring, Helping and Including Others.” The course begins on October 8, 2024. Please contact me for more information.

I am looking forward to talking with you today. Please use the communication channel that works best for you. I want to help you, and your relationships, grow forward! 

Email: [email protected]



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