Mark Entrekin's Blog


Are You Valued and Supported?

Sep 14, 2024

Does one of the largest problems in the world today, with people not caring, helping or including others, equate to social fragmentation? 

We are experiencing a breakdown of connections within our society. This erosion affects our world, nation, state, community and family, causing each one to fragment and lose fundamental value.

I hope we have all heard the joke about the two friends, a pencil and an eraser, which were chatting.

The pencil sighed, “I just want to be valued for my writing skills.” The eraser smiled and said, “And I just want to be appreciated for my ability to fix mistakes. 

Together, we make an effective team!”

The pencil grinned, “You are right! Without you, my mistakes would be permanent. Thanks for always having my back!”

When people do not care about others, it leads to more fighting, unfair treatment and not understanding those who are different from them or us. This lack of collaboration and communication makes it harder to solve big problems including nationwide elections, state or local elections, prejudice, poverty and inequality.

The issue shows itself in numerous ways, such as increased polarization, discrimination and a lack of empathy towards those that we feel are different from us. We are impacted by a growing divide between diverse groups, especially in politics. This means that people are becoming more extreme in their views and less willing to compromise or understand opposing perspectives or possibilities.

The pencil and eraser may be attached to each other but they, too, could exaggerate their differences. Instead of realizing that the eraser could help fix mistakes, the pencil might want to make the mistake(s) permanent. The pencil could have the fear, like many of us, of being wrong. The pencil might want to continue the wrong instead of the greater value of adopting a mindset that values learning, fixing mistakes and growth.

When people fail to care for and include others, it promotes divisions within communities, making it harder to address shared challenges like caring, diversity, equity, helping, inclusion and social justice. This can lead to heightened tensions, reduced cooperation and a more fragmented society

Another part of the issue is that people often have unfair ideas about others, which stops them from being kind to those outside their immediate circle or groups. This lack of togetherness makes it hard to make progress because everyone is only thinking about themselves as they develop a dislike or even fear of others.

Ongoing biases where we favor or disfavor something or someone in an unfair way can originate from assumptions or rumors that we may read on social media. Too much of social media is believed and repeated only because we see it in writing or it appears to be in an important document. It is repeated because we either feel it is important, hope it could have truth or because we have nothing else to say.

Stereotypes also play a significant role, preventing many from extending compassion to those outside their immediate circles. This lack of unity and understanding can hinder progress and create an environment where people are more focused on their own interests rather than the collective good or inclusion.

Addressing these issues requires a concerted effort to promote empathy, inclusivity and a sense of community, ensuring that everyone feels valued and supported.

To accomplish this, we need to work hard to be more caring and inclusive. We must create a community where everyone feels important and supported.

The story of a pencil and eraser may seem too simple to some but, many of our problems during the day, are truly just as simple.

Many of our prejudices could be something as simple as an accent in someone’s voice. Just because we are from another part of the Unites States or Canada, Mexico, Europe, Africa, or China or anywhere else, we can include each other.

We must erase that prejudice of yesterday’s culture and write a new culture for today and tomorrow that promotes our caring, helping and including others. 

Our new culture will inspire us to value and support others as they value and support us.

I hope you will attend, and invite your friends to attend, my weekly podcast “Achieving Unity through the Power of Caring, Helping and Including Others.” The 60-minute podcast is every Thursday, through the end of 2024. Please go to to request more information.

My next Webinar and Course date are now ready to kick off in January. It is our New Year as we Strive to Thrive in 2025! More information on the Webinar and Course to follow in December.

If you, or someone you know, is encountering issues with a significant other, spouse, friend or anyone in their work environment, please select one of my Virtual Coaching Options at If you have questions on any of the options, feel free to contact me at 303-362-8733 (303-Focused) or schedule time with me at

I coach, collaborate and speak with couples, individuals, parents, divorced parents, officers, groups, associations, corporations and universities to develop new habits and sustainable, caring, cost-saving improvements. We resolve your issues by creating and understanding viable solutions.

Do you, or someone you know, schedule speaking events? Please let me know. I would be honored to speak at your next event and I also have an affiliate program that will compensate you for scheduling one or more of my speaking events!

I am looking forward to talking with you today, at our podcasts and at the Achieving Unity Webinar in January. Please use the communication channel that works best for you today. I want to help you, personally and professionally, as you and those around you, continue to grow forward to prosper today in a more caring, helping and inclusive environment! 

Email: [email protected]


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