Mark Entrekin's Blog


Anger across the U.S.

Aug 12, 2024

How is Anger contributing to significant issues in the U.S. today and what can we do to resolve them?

Here are four issues that I see as the most significant and we can resolve each of these issues. 

My course on Achieving Unity, which begins on October 8, 2024, will address each of these issues plus many more. The link to find out more about the course can be found at the end of this article.

  1. Increased Hate Crimes: There has been a notable rise in hate crimes, particularly during election periods. This trend is fueled by anger and hate speech, often amplified by social media. 

    How do each of us manage anger? Do we become angry when we see the news on television show our presidential candidates as they speak poorly or negatively about someone else or another candidate? 

    It must not matter if it is a candidate we like and support or do not like and do not support. Anger, hate or prejudice toward anyone, including political candidates, is wrong. 

    We must ask and clarify or confirm what each candidate can and will do if they are elected. If any candidate, at any level wants our support, we must force them to put their ideas or solutions in writing in plain English and not legal-ease!

  2. Political Violence: The political climate is extremely tense, leading to risks of extremist violence, especially around election times. This includes threats against public officials and violence at polling places or political events. 

    Extremism is wrong in every case. We must not threaten anyone with any physical violence or not allow someone to speak. We all deserve the right to believe what we choose to believe as we also have the right to ask questions, ethically and professionally, on how or why another person feels their belief provides value.

  3. Social Polarization: Anger and divisive rhetoric are deepening social and political divides, making it harder for communities to find common ground and work together. We must learn to write our laws and communication in plain English, not legal-ease. 

    Social polarization is a term that describes the separation of a society into separate groups based on chosen prejudices. The prejudice could be opportunity, income, circumstances or one of many other prejudices. 

    Again, each group chooses to belong, or not belong, to one of the groups. The groups have no reality or facts about their behavior or beliefs but they form alliances within themselves because of one or more people who create the negativity they follow or pursue. We can stop this by asking more questions and not following another because of our lack of knowledge. Would you follow them off a cliff?

  4. Mental Health Issues: Chronic anger can lead to various mental health problems, including anxiety, depression and stress, which can affect individuals’ overall well-being and productivity. A lack of understanding from what we hear or read can also create mental health problems. 

    A chronic anger is a state of being where a person’s actions, feelings and/or thoughts are dominated by anger and it may be imbedded within a person because of their culture or learning. Chronic anger has a major impact on a person’s life.

    Chronic anger symptoms can include anxiety, feeling overwhelmed with life, an inability to make comfortable decisions or RAGE (Rampant Actions Going Egotistical 

Addressing each of these issues requires a collective effort to promote understanding, reduce inflammatory rhetoric and support mental health initiatives. How do you think we can better manage anger in our homes, communities, city, state or nationally? 

Too many of our political candidates at all levels in the political arena from President, to Senator or Representative (Federal and State) to County Commissioners to City Council and our School Board! Yes, the School Board that is, supposedly, representing our children can be the seed of anger in too many situations. 

What is the solution to our anger problems? Well, luckily there are more solutions than I can include in this article today but three solutions can be:

  1. Address Root Causes: Ask questions! Why is someone being or feeling anger? Where is the value? Anger creates no value but asking questions can provide us with a path to being calm and productive. Anger is nothing more than Actions Not Gaining Effective Results!™
  2. Promote Mental Health Awareness and Coaching: Encourage ourselves and our families, friends, co-workers and leaders to seek help through a program at the office or other mental health organizations. Search for a Life Coach that can collaborate with you at your pace and help resolve any anger issues.
  3. Support Positive Media: What we read and hear from the media (TV, Print and Socially) focuses on too much negativity. It has shaped too many emotions, perceptions and rumors. If you hear or see negativity in the news on television or in the newspapers or magazines or in social media, ask if they have the facts, or reality, to back up the information they are sharing or spreading! 

By combining these strategies, we can create a more understanding and compassionate society. What do you think is the most crucial step we can take to reduce anger in our homes, communities, city, state or nationally? I would enjoy hearing from you.

If you, or someone you know, is encountering issues with a significant other, spouse, friends or at the office because of anger in any way, please call me at 303-362-8733 (303-Focused) or schedule time with me at

I coach, collaborate and speak to and with couples, individuals, parents, divorced parents, groups, associations, corporations and universities to develop new habits and sustainable, cost-saving, improvements as we resolve issues by creating and understanding viable solutions. 

Do you, or someone you know, schedule speaking events? Please let me know. I would be honored to speak at your next event and I also have an affiliate program.

I hope you will attend, and invite your friends to attend, my next live, 7-session, course on “Achieving Unity through the Power of Caring, Helping and Including Others.” The course begins on October 8, 2024. Please go to to request more information.

I am looking forward to talking with you today. Please use the communication channel that works best for you. I want to help you, your relationships, and our world grow forward! 

Email: [email protected]


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