Mark Entrekin's Blog


Achieving Unity Politically

Sep 14, 2024

Who watched the Harris/Trump debate on September 10, 2024?

Are our political debates and political speeches turning into more of a spectacle where we elect a president because of the attention they gather more than the value they can bring to make our world, The United States of America, a better place?

There is a story about a small town where there was a dog named Max who loved to chase his tail. One day, during the town’s annual parade, Max got loose and started spinning in circles right in front of the marching band. 

The band members tried to keep playing but they could not help laughing as Max twirled around, causing a domino effect of laughter and missed notes. The parade turned into a hilarious spectacle, with Max as the unexpected star, and the town decided to make him the official parade mascot from then on.

I am not going to discuss who anyone should support as the next president of the U.S. but I continue to be embarrassed by the actions of many candidates that are running for the highest possible leadership position in the United States of America. What has happened that we must assign someone to monitor adult candidates and be prepared to turn their microphones off because the candidate(s) cannot control their own emotions?

The United States are about Unity. The candidates themselves are talking about caring and Unity for others but what about Achieving Unity for those same candidates to promote a professional presidential race? Stop blaming others, stop calling another candidate by derogatory names and accept the responsibility for themselves.

Where are the questions, to the candidates, about their understanding of their own political party or affiliation? Does either candidate know their own affiliation’s beliefs and responsibilities well enough to explain why they are affiliated with their party, line by line, point by point? Are they just spinning in circles? Are they chasing their own tail?

In detail, what does it mean to be a Democrat or a Republican? Who can clarify or simplify an affiliation’s belief down to the top 25, 50 or 100 most important beliefs so they are fully understandable by high-school graduates? Most high school graduates are 18-years-old, or over, and able to vote, or not vote, for a candidate. Without understanding what the spinning circles or beliefs mean; how can anyone make a valid choice?

We must put an end to political rhetoric and ensure that each affiliation clearly defines its principles in plain English, not legal jargon. Even our judicial system struggles to interpret the laws written by the legislators we vote into office. Too many judge’s decisions, based on those same laws, continually end up in the Supreme Court because the lawyers and judges of the lower courts do not understand the laws either.

Can either of our current presidential candidates show a physical, written plan of what each problem they say they can solve, how they are going to solve it and why their plan is best? 

We must put every plan together in writing, let every registered voter see the plan and promote the citizens of the United States of America to vote for the most qualified candidate because of their clear plans for a better tomorrow - the tomorrow our children and grandchildren want to live and enjoy.

We must require all candidates to define clear policies and articulate their positions on key issues. They must demonstrate how the members of both the Federal and State Houses and Senates will support their plans. Only then will we have a plan for Unity. A plan for us, our children and our grandchildren.

Will either candidate stand up for their policies and support them to be written clearly in understandable, conversational English so each of us, that will be required to follow their policies, can read and interpret those same policies? There are many high school and college or university English teachers that would be perfect for writing the policies clearly.

Promoting Unity through the principles of caring, helping and including others must be the foremost priority for all political candidates.

Every candidate must also know, and exercise, that calling someone else by a derogatory name is only an act of their own immaturity or insecurity. We, as the voters that allow them to serve in that elected office, must bring dignity and maturity back to every political office, every political position. This includes national, state, county or parish and cities.

Achieving Unity promotes us all to eliminate anger, hate, prejudice and violence. Achieving Unity would make us all accountable to ourselves, our families, our children and our grandchildren.

It is not about winning a debate. Winning an election must be about:

  1. Promoting Transparency: Require all candidates and political parties to be open about their clearly written policies, funding sources and decision-making processes.
  2. Mandating Civic Education: Educate voters about the importance of these values and how to identify candidates who exemplify them.
  3. Implementing Ethical Campaign Practices: Establish and fully enforce the rules that prohibit negative campaigning, misinformation and other unethical practices. We must cultivate ethical behavior among political candidates. It is essential that we hold offenders accountable for their actions.
  4. Understanding CommUNITY Engagement: Create platforms for candidates to engage directly with communities in clear, understandable messages, listen to the community concerns, write all issues down and make them available and understandable to all voting citizens as we work collaboratively, in Unity, on solutions.
  5. Supporting Grassroot Movements: Encourage and support grassroot movements that prioritize written values. Bring attention to issues and candidates in clear English. 
  6. Forcing Media Accountability: Mandate that media and news organizations report with accuracy and fairness, ensuring that all journalists are held accountable for their actions and statements.
  7. Ensuring Inclusive Policies: All policies must promote caring, diversity, equality, helping, inclusion and social justice.
  8. Leading by Example: All current leaders and public figures must model these values in their actions and decisions. They must set a standard and abide by the standards that we must all follow, including the candidate.

By embracing Unity, we pledge to eradicate anger, hate, prejudice and violence, ensuring accountability for ourselves and our political candidates, not only to our own conscience but also to the future we owe our children and grandchildren.

We can still laugh at the spinning dog as it chases its tail but not elect them to political office!

I hope you will attend, and invite your friends to attend, my weekly “Achieving Unity through the Power of Caring, Helping and Including Others” podcast. The 60-minute podcast is every Thursday, through the end of 2024. Please go to to request more information.

My next Webinar and Course are now ready to kick off in January. It is our New Year as we Strive to Thrive in 2025! More information on the Webinar and Course to follow in December.

If you, or someone you know, is encountering issues with a significant other, spouse, friend or anyone in their work environment, please select one of my Virtual Coaching Options at If you have questions on any of the options, feel free to contact me at 303-362-8733 (303-Focused) or schedule time with me at

I coach, collaborate and speak to and with couples, individuals, parents, divorced parents, officers, groups, associations, corporations and universities to develop new habits and sustainable, caring, cost-saving, improvements as we resolve issues by creating, and understanding, viable solutions. 

Do you, or someone you know, schedule speaking events? Please let me know. I would be honored to speak at your next event and I also have an affiliate program that will compensate you for scheduling one or more of my speaking events!

I am looking forward to talking with you today, at our podcasts and at the Achieving Unity Webinar in January. Please use the communication channel that works best for you today. I want to help you, personally and professionally, as you, and those around you, continue to grow forward to prosper today in a more caring, helping and inclusive environment! 

Email: [email protected]


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